Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 176 of College: Special Skills and Sportulas


I have news. I got lemonade from chick-fil-a today...and I didn't even spill it on a hot boy. Huzzah. It's a Wednesday miracle. 

Anyhow. I've decided to become bilingual. The first two attempts didn't go so hot. Once, I tried to learn Latin. I can say the Pledge of Allegiance in Latin. To this day, it remains the only thing I can say in Latin (oh, and sportula which means "small gift basket"). 

My other attempt to become bilingual was with Spanish. I have tried and failed to learn Spanish many times. I've taken Spanish One not once, not twice, but thrice. Thrice times of Spanish! Madness, I know. When you add in the fact that my sister has almost graduated college with a Spanish Education degree, it gets kinda sad. 

Regardless of my many language failures, I've decided to try again! I've decided that I'll either go for German (because that's where my Dad's family is from) or French (because that's where my Mom's family is from) or Russian (because what the hell.) 

I'm leaning towards Russian because they have letters that look not like english letters and because the "what the hell" factor in my life could use some increasing. 


Moving on to other things, I've noticed recently that I have no special skills. I can't whistle. I can't roll my r's. I can only snap with one hand. My break dancing is only sub-par. My bird calls leave something to be desired. And, as I've previously stated, I only know one language and that language is English. 


I need to develop some special skills. Well, I am rather good at making sandwiches. I'm also good at punching, hitting and biting.  And, let us not overlook my most special of skills, my ability to remain single for nineteen years. 

Yes, I'm not 19 yet, but I'm rounding up. The chances of me getting a boyfriend by this Saturday are about .00000000000000000000000000000000000001, in statistical terms. 

Anyhow, hope you are all having a lovely February even though I am not.  

Danielle OUT. 

P.S. Wanna read about my thoughts on football? I knew you did. Click here. 

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