Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Ballad of me, my xbox and the Spider-People

So...screw college.

That is how I'm feeling right now. Mostly because I'm in the middle of a three-hour night class and three-hour night classes are no fun. I'm not even kind of paying attention.

It's a "myths and legends" class. I hate it. I know what you're thinking. "Danielle, why are you in a myths and legends class? You're a criminal justice major! Oh no! Did you change majors again?" 

No, I didn't change majors again. I just have to take this class because Ball State is the worst and wants to make me take stupid classes about things that aren't criminal justice related. All I want to do is bring criminals...

A working knowledge of myths and legends will not help me do that. I highly doubt I'll ever need to know anything about creation myths in my career. Unless I'm after a serial killer who is obsessed with creation myths and legends.

I don't know. It sounds like an episode of a network crime show. Like SVU or NCIS or CSI or DMV or some other acronym.

I want to go my dorm...where my xbox is...

I've gotten a bit...umm...obsessed with that lately. I went on Friday and bought a new game. I spent all weekend inside my dorm and beat it by Sunday. Now I'm replaying it on a higher difficulty. At the rate I'm going, I'll have it beat again by tomorrow.

I have a problem.

Speaking of problems, these creation myths are messed up. The world was a weirder place when there were no drug laws. All these ancient people were probably all hopped up on meth and LSD and whatever.

I know they didn't have the resources or technology to make crystal meth back then. Don't tell me that. I'm a criminal justice major for God's sake. I've seen Breaking Bad. I know what I'm talking about. 

The professor just said the words "cat-people" and "evil magic" in the same sentence. I really don't think I can take this level of ridiculousness much longer. I mean, I'm wacky enough on my own. I don't need your assistance, random professor. 

So, I've been looking at apartments for next year. It's stressful. Living in a dorm, I don't really think about all the money I'm forking over. It's one big stupid payment. But with apartments, everything's about rent and me paying it and that's not cool with me. 

I am excited about having a kitchen, though. I'm pretty sure I'll end up eating nothing but grilled cheese sandwiches and popcorn, but in my head I become a five star chef. Eh, whatever. I like grilled cheese. 

Good lord, this story just got weirder. There are spider-people, a water-monster and wind what speaks people language. I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with this. I don't claim to know how the world was created, but I'm pretty sure that spider-people didn't have anything to do with it. 

Well, I should go and listen to this drivel. Eventually, I'm gonna be tested on it and be expected to know why the spider-people created the world and what the cat-people's evil magic had to do with it. 

I swear I'm not on drugs. This is actually happening.