Wednesday, July 20, 2011

29 days until College

well, i shouldn't even start with just "today" I should start with "this entire summer so far" so...

This ENTIRE Summer so far...

       Has been a endless and vicious cycle of me being poor, and then lonely because it's hard to do things with friends when you have no money, and then bored because your friends are all doing things without you and then being poor some more. Apparently, college costs a fortune. And not a small, I'm talking about enough money to purchase a small country. Seriously, it's like I'm deciding between getting a college degree and becoming emperor of like...New Zealand or something. 

      Also, Zealand is not a real word, apparently. Stupid Google Chrome keeps putting a squiggly red line under it and coming up with brilliant suggestions like "did you mean 'zealotry?'" No Google Chrome, I did not mean zealotry. In what circumstance would I want to become emperor of New Zealotry? (ps. zealotry means extreme or excessive zeal or devotion...i wikipedia'ed it.) 
        Also, I think it might be pertinent to disclose the fact that I maybe copied...ahem, was inspired to create a blog by a few of my facebook friends (which I still have in spite of my no-internet-for-like-a-month-because-AT&T-are-tools fiasco). so...props to everybody who's still my facebook friend and also has a blog. 
      I dyed my hair blue today. 
      I'm serious...I did. 
      Not all of it, but I did. With kool-aid. That stuff RULES. My hair smells like berry berry blue right now. It's pretty fantastic...except for the fact that I think it might be attracting bugs. I got like fifty eight mosquito bites when I went outside earlier. Seriously. But, anyway, while I was kool-aiding my hair, I also kool-aided my hands. So now my hands are also berry berry blue
     It looks like I murdered a family of smurfs. 

   Danielle OUT. 

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