Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 146 of College: Escapades at the Ice capades


Welcome back, everybody. I hope you are all having a lovely 2012. I'm not, but that is beside the point. Wow, I haven't written a blog since LAST YEAR (see what I did there? Huh? Huzzah for terribly puns!) So, yeah. Classes began today and, really, that's it. 

I'm not in one news class right now. Not a single one. Is it a bad sign that I'm happy about this fact? I'm more excited for my Economics class than I am for anything related to news. Maybe I should major in economics. Math. Hmmm. Perhaps not. 

Anyway. I bought fishes. Well, new fishes since my last fish, Captain Morgan, died. I have three of them. I'm waiting a week to name them so if they die I won't be too upset. 

And by that, I mean that I'll only cry for a couple of hours instead of my usual having a fish funeral/one to two months of mourning. 


I'm thinking of naming them after historical figures or superheros. Or perhaps a mix of both. Having Batman, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Captain American all in the same tank would help me reach a new level of wackiness in my college-related-escapades. 

Most college students get drunk and then pass out on weekend. I sit in a laundry room make snarky commentary about my drunken peers. Perhaps I need to start having some more wacky escapades. 

Say "escapades." It sounds like "Ice capades," doesn't it? No? Well, I think it does. 

This is all getting rather pointless. I better go or I might start rhyming other things with escapades. Like mess-capades. Which is a work I made up. It means having escapades...that are messy. 

Oh, the awful-tastic-ness of my puns. 

Danielle OUT. 

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