Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 205 of College: Gossip Girl and the Flu Stole my Title


Was basically the worst. Actually, this whole week has been the worst. know how I have "spring break" this week? You don't? Your life has more important things in it than my school schedule? 

Ha, right. 

But, anyhow, this week is spring break for me. And this week my entire family, literally all of them, decided that it would be ideal week to come down with a crippling case of the stomach flu. Awesome timing, family. Really, really AWESOME TIMING. 

Apparently, I am immune to this particular strain of flu. And you'd think that it would be a good thing, me not getting all pukey like rest of the Renckly clan. That is a hideously erroneous assumption, blog readers. I'd much rather be throw-up-y all week than forced to play nurse for my entire freaking family. 

My family are all stupid whiners. 

And I have exactly zero maternal or caring instincts. Those things are for wussies. 

So, in conclusion, my spring break has equaled up to a huge, festering pile of suck so far. Mostly, when not caring for the sick and whiny, I've been sitting on my couch watching the entire first through fourth seasons of Gossip Girl and eating unhealthy amounts of ice cream because it's my spring break and I deserve to have some fun, dammit. 

Don't ask me why I thought watching Gossip Girl of all things would be fun. I don't know. And it wasn't. 

It mostly made me painfully aware that I am nineteen years single and none of the characters on Gossip Girl are. Also, that I hate the rich. Stupid, selfish one percent. 

Speaking of my struggle to remain in the lower middle class, I've decided that I'm going to say screw it to getting a useful college degree and major in writing. 

Goodbye, last leg to stand on when taunting art and psychology majors! 

But, anyhow, that's happening. I'm basically an idiot! Yeah! 

But, we already knew that, didn't we blog readers? 

Yes, yes we did. 

Well, I'm off to ignore the calls of my unwell family members and watch the fifth season of Gossip Girl. 

I hate Gossip Girl. 

So, so much. 

Danielle OUT. 

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