Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day Sixteen of College: R for Reverse-Karma

     I think that my bad luck-slash-the general suckiness of my life is contagious. It's like reverse-karma. I suck out your good karma points by standing to close. I've alway thought of karma like the House 
points in Harry, in this instance, innocent bystanders are Gryffindor and I'm Snape. 
     Take the necessary precautions. My evidence behind this conclusion is that two cars crashed into each other, like, feet from me. I was riding my bike about campus like I usually do when I'm mourning the fact that I will be in debt for literally forever when all of the sudden two cars went careening into each other! GASP! I was almost killed. No, not really. But, still. I think it's my fault. My depressing-ocity is like a's spreading through the air!!
     Sorry...seventh grade flashback. For whatever reason, my stupid school district has kids watch the movie Outbreak to understand how diseases get spread. I would like to ask the school board one question. ARE YOU PEOPLE OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MINDS??? Outbreak is rated R. As in restricted. As in you should NOT show this to seventh grade school children. That is NOT a thing you should do. Because, despite the fact that the "gory" and "romantic" scenes are censored out...IT'S STILL A HORROR MOVIE ABOUT DISEASES. And maybe some impressionable seventh-grader might be so frightened by the concept of a disease taking over the planet, she'll skip a week of school so she doesn't have to see the conclusion of the horrific saga. ANYWAY. 
 Other things that happened today...let's see...I dunno, I'm still stuck on the Outbreak thing. 

   Junior High was TERRIBLE. 

  All children ages 12-14 should be locked away in tiny cages far underground. Cause that would probably be FUNNER than Junior High. Funner is not a word. I know that. I'm not dumb! I GOT A 1920 ON MY SATS! GET OFF MY BACK!
   This blog is turning unreasonable and angry. Sorry. College does not provide many sleeping opportunities. does, but I choose to neglect them by playing Robot Unicorn Attack or writing self-pitying blogs that no one will read...

(why does nobody love me?) 


There's homework to be done. And since I'm paying tens of thousands of dollars of the privilege to do this freaking homework...

I should probably go do my freaking homework. 

Danielle Out. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Radio Sith Lord,
    So i was reading your blogging profile (not creepy) and you listed Mozart's Requiem as one of your favorite songs. First I was like "...what?" but then I was like "OH RIGHT DIES IRAE!" Anyways, I miss you and stuff and I hope you are secretly having lots of fun in college but just refuse to tell us any of the good stuff :D
    -Your Apprentice
