Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day Forty-Nine of College: Rantings that Actually Border on Insanity

Today...was spent mainly in the library. Cause, who woulda thunk it...but college has ACTUAL WORK involved. At least to an extent. I had to do all this grammar nonsense for my journalism class. It was dumb. Journalism is dumb. Journalism is....well, I think the video portion of my blog puts it better.

Watch this....

So, as you can see, there is no lost love between my most un-favorite acquaintance and me (journalism being the stupid-evil-dumb acquaintance). 

Gah...I'm conflicted. I don't like being conflicted. I like a simple, water, a nice wheel to exercise in...That's it! I'll just be a hamster. 

Problem solved. 

Except...I'm not a big fan of wood chips. 


Problem un-solved. 

I have more holes in my problem-solving-logic than the Titanic had after it hit that iceberg....Oh, that movie just killed me (LET HIM ON THE STUPID PIECE OF FURNITURE, ROSE YOU STUPID FAT COW!!) Anyway. My irrationally angry inner-voice is out again. 

I swear I'm not crazy. 

It's just that journalism is an evil wood nymph that crawls inside your brain and steals your hopes and dreams and uses them to buy crack cocaine. Then he sells crack cocaine to baby harbor seals. And, once they're all addicted...he uses them to form an army. An army of crack-fueled-harbor-seals. 

That got dark. 

I apologize. 

Maybe I should major in writing children's stories. 

Danielle Out


  1. This is jake boris, and just wanted to say I love you so much haha. Though I am still considering journalism, though I'm at IU so who knows.

    PS. Write childrens novels, it would make my life.

  2. This is amazing Danielle (: You rock!
