Well, we're almost there.
Two weeks until I graduate, people. I feel like that scene at the end of the Lord of the Rings (Extended directors cut, of course) where there are giant birds and everything is on fire and Frodo is just like...
"It's over. It's done"
You know what I mean. And if you don't, you obviously haven't seen Lord of the Rings and need to rethink your life choices.
But yeah, I'm almost officially graduated. I am, of course, a panicky mess right now with finals and everything, but soon I'll be a grown-up in like all senses of the word.
What do grown ups even do? I have to get a job, people. Like, what? What even is one of those? How do I acquire one? What am I even doing with my life?
I am so confused and stressed.
Yeah, no. For now the plan is to do the stereotypical millennial thing and crash on my parents' couch until I am physically forced to leave. I mean, I want to also get a job so I can go get money and stuff while hobo-ing in my parent's living room, but I don't want my own house and/or apartment rn.
The last two years have kind of proved that I am mostly incapable of taking care of myself? I mean, I'm not dead, so that's something. But I also ended up with a sociology degree and an astronomical amount of debt, so.
Win some, lose most.
But, yeah, I have so much crap to do for classes right now. Sadly, my modus operandi has not changed. I am still chilling on the couch drinking wine coolers and watching netflix. The difference is that now I'm doing it in, like, a stressed way.
But, no, leaving my school also means leaving my stir fry job. Ah, stir fry. The days that we've spent together, frolicking around and cooking noodles and whatnot. I will miss you and all of your saucy goodness.
Seriously, though. Not stirring the fry is gonna be hella strange. I literally have callouses on my fingers from where I hold the spatula.
I bet all of the football players will miss me terribly. Whoever they get to replace me will for sure suck by comparison. They could hire celebrity chef Guy Fieri and, still, I would not be able to be surpassed.
I mean, a lot of that is because Guy Fieri is actually the worst, but still. I'm great at stir fry.
I'm just so stressed right now, you guys. I've been sleeping way too much because if I sleep for eleven hours, that is eleven hours that I don't have to think about all of the homework and group projects that I'm not doing.
Before this year, I was pretty sure I was eventually going to get a master's degree. This year has killed that dream. No, it didn't just kill it. It brutally murdered it and then shoved its corpse in my face and I was all "No, please! Just let this horrible nightmare end!"
And that's college, basically.
It's been more than four years since I started this dumb blog. I don't update regularly or anything, but still. Four years is a long time. Like, close to a fifth of my life.
Ah, naive stupid four-years ago Danielle. If only I could reach through time, whisper words of advice in your ear and punch you in the stupid face.
You spent all of your money on Fringe DVDs and food and also got shitty grades and picked out a terrible major. No, you picked like eight terrible majors.
Ah, well. I'm sure four years from now Danielle will curse the stupid decisions that I will inevitably make in the future.
Whatever, I'm just excited to finally be graduating and leaving stupid Muncie and my stupid flea-ridden apartment. (I mean, they're gone and everything, but what if they come back? Flea Apartment 2: The Re-Buggening)
I suppose this is where I must leave you all. I have more wine coolers to drink, and like all responsible bloggers, I don't drink and blog.